A downloadable interview

World Showcase: Helena Real's "Wall Mapu"

This interview was published in Volume 5 Issue 4 of Worldbuilding Magazine.

I had the pleasure of speaking with Helena Real, a trans writer, editor, translator, and professional gamemaster from Chile. Her recent writing includes "Ngen Mapu" and "The Way of the Pukona," both of which are supplements in the Fate Worlds line published by Evil Hat Productions. Her work on "The Way of the Pukona" has merited it the Best Setting award at the Indie Groundbreaker Awards 2019. She is currently working on the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition setting "Wall Mapu: The Surrounding Land," which she received the 2020 IGDN Diversity Sponsorship to develop.

Thank you to the Worldbuilding Magazine editors who helped polish this interview!

The Way of the Pukona Art by Claudio Huenchumil Cruz — Banner & Cover

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AuthorI Riva
Tagschile, Dungeons & Dragons, interview, mapuche, native-american, non-fiction, worldbuilding


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